Stuff I Care About

Friday, April 2, 2010

Got A Great Joke For All of You.

Happy Easter!!!! Maybe, someday, this holiday will no longer exist. I hope so.
So, here is my great joke.

You ask the person "What's this" and stretch your arms out as wide as they will go.

They say "I don't know".

You say "A shitty way to spend Easter." End of joke.


  1. Haha, hilarious, and so not politically correct!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hilarious davmab11; I have seen a comment almost exactly like that one somewhere else, it was posted by a user called DM I think; was it you as well?

    I clearly remember the "Einstein puts the final nail in the coffin of atheism..." and the link to the Youtube video, which is interesting, but has absolutely NOTHING to do with belief/disbelief in god.

    Einstein was a pantheist, or a deist, or whatever you want to call people who believe that the universe is God and that the beauty we see is what we describe as God. No intelligent designer, no personal god, and definitely no afterlife; but I am not sure what Einstein thought about that last point exactly...

  4. Us liars do not care. Not one bit. A good joke is a good joke. And, the joke is on you.

  5. My easter joke:

    Why does Jesus hate M&M's?

    They keep falling through the holes in his hands!

  6. Nice one too.... That is excellent. Just as good as this one.

  7. Why... they're so funny I forgotta laugh.

  8. Almost as funny by suggesting that we all go to church on Sunday just for the spectacle... Why not, we have nothing to lose?

  9. Almost as funny by suggesting that we all go to church on Sunday just for the spectacle... Why not, we have nothing to lose?

    Are you kidding? I did not go because I did have a lot to lose, and it's called sleep!

    Happy Ostara!

  10. Well, it was sunny here all day yesterday, so I guess that means that when Zombie Jesus came out of his cave he saw his shadow and we've got a couple more weeks of winter ahead. Damn you Zombie Jesus.

  11. I do not know what is the bigger joke.... Suggesting that we go to church or believing that a human rose from the dead.

  12. I agree Tink,going to church for the spectacle, seems a bit kinda pointless.

    Still, hope you and everyone else had a great time spent with family and friends.

  13. Here's another joke along the same lines.

    Q: Why do women like Jesus?
    A: (Stretch your arms out as wide as they will go) Because he's hung like this.

  14. Nice.... Oh, that never gets tired.

