Stuff I Care About

Monday, February 14, 2011

Bibles in the Classroom

So, awhile back, I posted that the Canadian Civil Liberties Union had intervened in Waterloo, and had to stop Gideon's International from giving Bibles to Grade Five children. Of course, they have not backed off, because it is so IMPORTANT to push your religion on innocent and impressionable children. Now, the kids are coming home with consent forms for their parents to sign after claiming religious discrimination. Never mind that giving a child a Bible is an act of exclusion toward other religions, which is in itself a form of religious discrimination. Man, are they lucky no kids of mine are in this school district. So, the Civil Liberties Union is back on them, along with petitions. I smell the Supreme Court coming their way. Here it is, check it out;

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I went off the grid (as Tristan calls it) for the last little while. The last six months have been epically chaotic and busy; things have slowed down to a much more manageable pace now. I managed to finally complete my degree, started working on a research study while still going to work at my normal job. At the same time, stuff in my personal life kinda got unusual, which has since resolved. Interesting times these past six months.....

So, to come back, I found a great article that is near and dear to my heart. This comes straight to us from The Christian Post, and is about a nursing student who is suing her school because she feels that she should not have to provide care to women who are having or have had abortions. Interestingly, I do not trust the article because they indicate that the clinical placement is on a Labour and Delivery Unit. Traditionally, abortion procedures are not done on these types of units unless it is for an emergent problem during birth; the high acuity of these types of cases is not the same as what the article calls "The Abortion Pledge". I also have a hard time believing that an applicant who does not wish to participate in abortion has to apply to another program- way too easy for this agenda.

I have mixed feelings about this one. On the one hand, I do not feel that people should be forced to engage in things that will disturb them. However, a good clinician is completely present for the people that they serve. They support people through good and bad decisions, you are not there to judge them, nor are you there to push any of your beliefs on them while they are experiencing difficult decisions. You are there to assist them... IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU. If you cannot put your beliefs aside and see people for their complexity with compassion, you should not be there. Period. Thoughts anyone?
